Wednesday Feb 08, 2023

Repo Man

In this episode, we dive into two major departures from the norm: the album "Departure" by the legendary rock band Journey and the cult classic film "Repo Man" from 1984. "Departure" marked a turning point for Journey as they moved away from their signature sound towards a more progressive rock style. We'll examine how this album influenced the band's trajectory and why it remains a beloved and influential work in their discography.

Next, we'll delve into the world of "Repo Man", a film that defied conventions and expectations for a Hollywood movie. With its unique blend of punk rock, science fiction, and dark humor, "Repo Man" remains a cult classic that has inspired generations of filmmakers and fans alike. We'll discuss the film's impact on cinema and popular culture, and why it continues to captivate audiences almost four decades after its release.

Join us as we celebrate two departures that have left a lasting impact on music and film.

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